We also invite you to consider hosting a baby shower or a baby bottle campaign for us. Both projects are easy to facilitate and you would be helping us continue our community outreach and promote awareness of your group as well.

Many of the supplies we provide to our clients, such as our newborn layettes, come from donations given by churches, businesses, and organizations. Your involvement helps us give assistance to more families than we would have been able to give using our own resources.

Loose change collected in baby bottles and shower items collected for our layettes help us support a new mother who has nothing for her baby. If you’d like to help us make a mom smile, call our center at 717-243-6544.

While giving your time and money is so very appreciated, we are especially grateful for any spiritual support you can provide. We are challenged daily by many situations that arise at our center, so we need your prayers to continue being beacons of light for so many caught in darkness.